[FLYER] Coastal Rice Farmer Field School

Written by Ben Brown

  • Resources & Publications
  • 2012
  • [my-books-attachments]


Rice and brackish water fish farms have been the two major features of coastal South Sulawesi’s landscape since the 1970’s, with examples of the two systems operating adjacently as far back as the 17th century. Both of these agroecosystems have been carved out of natural habitats dominated by mangrove forests as well as salt and fresh water marshes, and hinterland forest. The system is so much changed from it’s original state, that a return to natural state is impossible. Rehabilitation into a more natural system, with a greater percentage of native ecosystems is possible in some locations, but will take a re-thinking of current agronomic practices which rely heavily on external inputs, and are under a high degree of control by humans.

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